Tagged release v3.83.0

87e540c7 fix(LL): added spec migration
2f3cf2ab fix(LL): added periods tests
749ad86b fix(LAE): fixed procedure/bid required docs validation
3114a02b fix(LL): updated rectificationPeriod to 2bd
be7b0560 refactor: fixed specified time set for specs v2
83b193d6 fix(LAE): added other_identifiers pattern validation
433757ff fix(Organization): removed redundant classes, added schemas inheritance
310ca387 fix (LAE): fix LAE legal names
6c3d8968 fix(prolongations): added documents tests
712bd148 feat(prolongations): added documents urls
25e098e3 refactor(prolongations): created base Prolongation schema, mixins
1078ca11 fix(LAE): added cancellation to active_tendering status
ec4f2ff8 fix(CSI): change minimalStep calculation issue: #1840
30b87125 feat(LAE): added tests
b24f0d08 feat(LAE): added classes and states
81e94940 refactor: fixed base.ExtendedAccountIdentification inherit
5d1346c7 feat(LAE): added schema and specs
16d27039 feat(LAE): added legal names