Tagged release v3.88.0

0401a696 fix(AAE,LL): add validation on classification schema issue: #1859
69e30315 fix(LAE/LAW): fixed previousAuctionId pattern
1a63935b Update landArrested.yml
0b67efea Revert "Merge branch 'mike/SP_award_cancellation' into 'master'"
5562db1b fix(LLE/LLD): added relatedOrganization.currentTenants field + migration
12e48519 fix(LLP/LSP): fixed swagger type for priority field
c7bbcafb refactor(LLP/LSP): added currentTenants field tests
16db46d8 refactor(LLP/LSP): added currentTenants field migration
f4b0fb1a refactor(LLP): updated current tenant schema
8acb53ce refactor(LSP): updated current tenant schema
11059f91 refactor(currentTenant structure): updated mixin for current tenant validations
54a07fd3 fix(LAW): added items manipulation methods
6406da0e refactor: created ItemsMixin
aad9e2aa fix(LAW): changed tenderAttempts minimum to 1
2dfde212 fix(SPE/SPD): removed cancellation of pending_waiting award
d32f9333 fix(LAW): add saleType field migration
23c381a2 fix(LAW): add saleType field