Tagged release v3.2.0

d9d2ac1 fix(registry object, action, lease_request  history): Add object_id validation
acfaa31 fix(LeaseRules): added migration for broken objects depending on intendedUseRestrictionMethod. BREAKING CHANGES: intendedUse validation changed
2a4d9fc refactor(LeaseRules fields): changed validation for fields depending on intendedUseRestrictionMethod
fefe6dd Merge descriptions for intendedUseRestrictionMethod.
3e60d9b Add required for intendedUseRestrictionMethod in LeaseRules.
560de2d Update intendedUse and intendedUseRestrictionMethod descriptions
d64e037 Update intendedUse description
6a6fea9 Fix leaseRules intendedUse fields properties.
2d09365 Fix indendedUse fields in leaseRules block.
daa8326 feat(registry action): Change related objs fields to relatedEntity list field
c1a60e8 feat(registry databridge): Registry databridge implementation
6286124 refactor(AddressUa schema): changed schemas to use AddressUa model
e127fca fix(LandProps): removed redundant _classfication_id field, renamed class
f5adbdc Add _version field to the blacklist
8903ee8 Remove readOnly for buyers in contracts.
70d274a fix: #104 contracts list cannot be updated through obj PATCH req
216940b fix(dictionaries): added missing encumbrances dict to list