Tagged release v3.34.0

71e86d2 feat(asset, execution): add correct status validation
2c2be8d fix(document): add relatedDocument type validation
8d165cb feat(asset): add validate_for_announcement databridge endpoint
ab2b77c fix(asset): remove id from blacklist for items and add validation
7c3b65b fix(execution): add executionItemType to blacklist
4bc1c7a fix(execuution): make ref contract value from base.Value
b7398ec fix(execution): sett contract items minItem to 1
dcf1dcb feat(execution): forbid to pass more then one contract
47097ce Update src/prozorro_sale/registry/models/legal_names.py
e31d3f3 feat(executtion): add legalnames
faf2a96 feat(execution): init
b1acb88 fix(asset): remove permission to change active_contracting