Tagged release v3.4.0

f2931db feat: #97 validation weekdays len
8f44824 feat: #97 validation startDate < endDate
ee4d3df feat: #97 fix migration
1accadb feat: #97 add migration
28c4bd8 Remove unused base.Period.
ca2a82a Remove old fields from schedule. Add leaseDuration field.
ae2b3b4 Fix schedule structure - remove period model.
a1685e8 Fix schedule structure - remove period model.
5a20bfd Add integer format for schedule fields.
f09478e Add period base model.
7273513 Add multilang to schedule weekdays.
9f48090 Add new schedule fields
4a79a92 fix: Update tests fixtures with buyers info
18e6334 fix(databridge): refactored databridge endpint to return full obj
71e7ceb Add minItems for buyers in contracts.